Friday, June 20, 2014

"That's why we can't have nice things"

Hi everyone, 
I decided to shift my focus from auto finance to talking about the decline of personal vehicles. Why you may ask?   If you read my last post, I believe that’s where America is heading toward… becoming an urbanized Europe. What’s the point blogging about car loans if personal cars will decline? Things will change once the "baby-boomers" are not in charge of anything anymore. The mentality of hoarding less "stuff" is growing. I will talk more about it in another post.
It will be awhile before we see a dent in personal cars, but it’ll happen sooner than you think. We are not talking about worldwide decline, the BRIC nations will still have an appetite for material goods like the United States. China is going through what America did in the early 1900s, period of corruption, monopolies, counterfeit, high growth, and most importantly, CONSUMERISM.    

I hope you understand and continue to follow my blog. Lots of changes in the coming years.




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